Sunday, February 3, 2013

Scotch....a man's drink.

In this day and age there are few men that come in the bar and order a scotch on the rocks.  Truthfullyy I thought after the huge "Mad Men" following it would start to catch on again and you would see it happen more.  But no.  I know this is strange but there is something impressive about a man ordering one.  I don't know what it is....the whole movie star icon thing or the flash back to the days of the older movies of the 50's and 60's and seeing Cary Grant, Dean Martin or James Garner order scotch.

It was the mans drink and it is even more impressive when you see a woman order one.  Very rare but very impressive.  I myself like a scotch on occasion and when I do order one the reaction I get from a bartender is always quite entertaining.  Shock, disbelief, they even look you up and down with that "who do you think you are?" look in their eyes.  Or they question you to see if you're serious.  Its great fun truly.

There many brands out there, some good, some bad and some very ugly.  Know what to look for. I myself prefer the single malts but everyone has their own tastes. There are great blended malts too.  When looking for a good affordable scotch you can always count on Dewar's, Glenlivet, Talisker, and Macallan oh and lets not forget Chivas and Johny Walker Red.

Tip of the day-try them all and see which one you like.  The general consensus is to drink it at room temperature straight up but my tip....drink it however you like it. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing it the "right way". After all its your drink and your taste that counts.

Besides...any self respecting Scotsman wouldn't let anyone tell them how to drink their scotch.  And neither should a woman. Isn't that right lassie....


  1. I will have to try this sometime just for the look!

  2. I think I would enjoy the look also.

  3. Ha! My old news director (female) is a scotch drinker. You'd love her :) I like my scotch with olive juice LOL! I know... I'm a weirdo!
