Sunday, February 3, 2013


Ah yes its that time of year again. Good friends, good game, good food and good drink!  Its always a great time spending it with all your friends and indulging in all the fun and games(yeah games, because even though the big games on the television there are usually more fun and games happening all around you).

I personally go for the friends and food. hehehe. There is plenty of alcohol flowing in many forms.  Everyone has there favorite picks.  Now of course the prime choice for game day is beer.  Its American. Red white and blue through and through.  I had a fabulous time at the party I went to this year and I saw a huge selection. Beer, wine, whiskey, rum, shots and everything else that you could think of.

There is nothing like being welcomed in like a big warm hug to your friends home...and the fold.  That in itself will make you feel like you've had a few already. Good company is just the olive on top of the Martini.

So enjoy everyone, immerse yourself in the atmosphere. Enjoy every second you have with those wonderful companions. Because that's what really matters. 

Besides, they're the ones that usually pick you up off the floor and tuck you in after a long night at the bar...

A big thank you to Geoffrey and Terry! Thank you so much for inviting us all into your home. It was great fun!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your company ever so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
